Visa on arrival or visa upon arrival is an alternative way to get Vietnam visa. It is considered as the quickest and cheapest way for air travelers to apply for a visa for Vietnam at present. What you need to do is just fill in our , pay the service fee, get your "Visa approval letter" within 1 or 2 working days and pick up your visa at arrival airport (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh or Da Nang International airport)
After we obtain the approval letter for you, we will forward you a copy by email or fax. The document will also be sent into and recorded at the data base of Vietnam Immigration checkpoints at International Airports. Your visa thus will be easily stamped onto your passport upon your arrival.
Is Vietnam visa on arrival legitimate?
Yes it is. Visa on arrival or Vietnam visa approval letter is a document issued by Vietnam Immigration Department, the unique authority in Vietnam has the full right to consider and approve visa application. It is recognized by IATA (International Air Traffic Association), visa on arrival is totally legitimate.
What is the visa approval letter?
The "Visa approval letter" is a document issued by Vietnam Immigration Department (Vietnam Ministry of Public Security) that permits foreigners to enter and exit Vietnam in a given period of time. With the visa approval letter, you can get onto your plane and pick up your visa upon arrival at one of the three international airports in Vietnam (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang).
Please take note that the visa approval letter is NOT available for those who travel by LAND or by CRUISE.

What information required when applying for the Vietnam visa approval letter online?
At the time of application, you will be requested to provide the following information:
- Your full name (exactly as shown on your passport)
- Date of birth (DOB)
- Nationality
- Passport Number
- Proposed arrival date
- Purpose of visit
- Type of visa
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